Analyze. Compare. Evaluate.
Not just simplifying UBPR analysis, enhancing it.
- Interactive analysis of any UBPR or call report metric
- Critical Ratios, Financial Highlights and User-defined Formulas
- Custom/Regulatory Peer-Groups and Watch-list Trends
UBQuant is a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) bank data analytics platform built to serve fast, responsive, and intuitive visualizations of complex data. As a cloud service provider, our products and services are built with best security practices, scalability, and availability. Our simple licensing model makes it cost-effective to analyze UBPR and call report data on any device any time. Our platform is innovative and unique in providing ability to create custom peer-groups of any combination, and drive analytics in real-time, over all possible data combinations instantly. Our solution enables organizations to derive strategic decisions by quickly gaining insights and perform competitive analysis.
UBQuant not only makes UBPR analysis easier, faster, and more accessible – it drives you to imagine what-if’s to discover new insights.
Bank UBPR Data Analytics
According to the Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council (FFIEC), The Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) is an analytical tool created for bank supervisory, examination, and management purposes. It summarizes the effect of economic conditions and management decisions on the performance of a given bank and the composition of that bank's balance sheet.
The UBQuant Platform transforms the traditional approach of UBPR/Call Report analysis by removing the data complexity and data management challenges for the developers and by providing intuitive interfaces for the bank financial analysts. Our platform offers a comprehensive analytics solution for the UBPR and Call Report analysis, with custom bank peer groups and standard/custom ratio analysis. Our solutions are designed with our philosophy of simplified solutions for effective analytics. Our tool makes the complex data points easy to assess and perform benchmark analysis seamlessly. No downloads required or data management is required – our cloud solution provides the data at your fingertips with responsive interfaces and intuitive access. Evaluate/build your stories with metrics such as liquidity, capital requirements, credit quality, etc.
UBQuant packages all standard UBPR ratios under Standard Ratios. Additionally, performance evaluation critical ratios as defined by the industry and regulators are pre-defined and offered as Critical Ratios. For your custom research and evaluation needs, UBQuant offers Custom Ratios with MyFormulas. Build your own formulas to develop custom ways of analyzing the data and our insights engine transforms the data for your needs.
Bank Examiners
Federal regulators and bank examiners can effectively leverage UBQuant platform to support their mission of uniform bank examination and evaluations. Our cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform supports up-to date data with zero maintenance and real-time responsive analytics. Our platform provides examiners ability to create custom ratios or leverage pre-defined critical ratios that provide in-depth insights into red-flags as defined in the OCC director's tool kit.
Financial institutions
Banks and financial institutions need the agility to adapt to changing technology, call and UBPR data management, competitive insights, and regulatory compliance. Our platform empowers banks to cost-effectively drive through data based intelligent decisions and perform comparative analytics.